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Male breast surgery, male chest muscles

Some men face the problem of the augmentation of mammary glands caused by changed hormone levels. This can also be connected with considerable fat deposits in the area, all of which creates the effect of female breasts. The problem has a rather simple solution which involves abstracting the mammary glands and sometimes even performing small liposuction of the area (and thus eliminating the fat deposit). Gynaecomastia may be caused by prescription drugs such as anabolic steroids, over-the-counter medicines, illegal drugs, tumours or disease. Men who are self-conscious because they have over-developed or enlarged breast tissue (usually caused by being overweight, or having lost weight), or men who suffer from back and neck ache because their “breasts” are too heavy can benefit from male breast reduction surgery.

Before the operation The operation is performed under general anaesthesia, requiring 1-2 days of hospitalization. Prior to the operation full pre-op checks are required, including blood tests. In patients older than 35 years old a CT scan of lungs and hearth is also required. Patient should have an empty stomach – 8 hours before the operation patient must not eat, drink or smoke. Patient must not be suffering from any other illness such as urine infection, colds or skin infections.

Procedure An ultrasound is used to scan the area prior to the operation. Incisions are made around the areolae and the mammary glands are excised. If the surgery is combined with liposuction, a cannula (small tube) is inserted into short incisions in the area and the excess fat is drained. During suturing, non-dissolvable or dissolvable stitches can be used; non-dissolvable stitches must be extracted, while dissolvable stitches are absorbed by the body naturally, leaving a fainter scar.

After the operation Male breast reduction surgery requires a few overnight stay. Immediately after the operation, elastic belts are placed over the operated area and these are worn for about one month. Bed rest is recommended for the first few days after the operation. No heavy lifting for 4-6 weeks (this is determined by your surgeon). Possible complications: Post operative bleeding Changes in nipple or breast sensation maybe temporary or in some cases permanent Infection of the wound Haematomas


Procedure time: 2 hours

Hospital Stay: 1 - 2 days

Full Recovery: 6 weeks

Final Results: 6 months

Exercise: 6 weeks


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